Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's a sunshine day

I think I'll go for a walk outside now,
the summer sun's calling my name. 
I just can't sit inside all day.
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays! 

It was a beautiful rare sunny day last Saturday, Bee and I couldn't resist taking a walk in our yard and then down to the sound. 

There are hundreds of these guys outside that I can see!
That probably means there's a few thousand I can't see.
I was getting grossed out just editing the spidy pics. 


Spider's aren't the only thing lurking in the foliage. 

My little Bee enjoying the sunshine.
Lot's of gross things out in my Bremerton backyard.

Lots of pretty things too.

Could not locate the tree this fell from, but I thought it looked cool. Anyone know what it is?

That's all for now folks. 
The next blog will be more of the S. Family, and I hope to get those up soon. 
Hope you're out there enjoying the last of the sunshine.

Love and sun are the same.

Piece. Out. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The S Family.

Preview of the S Family shoot. 


Big S. Little s. What Begins with S?

Silly Sammy Slick sipped six sodas and got sick sick sick.

Some more real soon. (Heavy slurs on those S's) 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

21st Annual Bremerton Blackberry Festival

Babies, Besties and Berries, oh my!

Hi guys!! It's been a few weeks. But I'm alive!!!
And I just had a great day in at the Blackberry Festival.
Here's the highlight reel. My camera was so happy to be out and about. 

The King and his Jester. 


Weird artsy glass thingies made by some scientific explanation that the girls wouldn't let me stand still long enough to hear.

That's the USS Turner Joy in the background... like the Missouri... only... tiny. 

Puppy love.

Quick! Get me 100 Gallons of Shoyu STAT!!

My little honey getting her face painted. 

The face painter's name is Bud too!

When life hands you lemons....


Bee's mission impossible run.

Cool kid. Haha (He's cold...get it?) 

Epic. ly dangerous.

Where does it lead? Only one way to find out. 

Which is the path I'm trying to follow these days. Had a great time at the festival. Happy to be filling up CF cards with random moments of happiness.  

Until next time...Goodnight.

Sounding off from the sound.
Piece Out.