Monday, June 27, 2011

"Secret Menehune Fishing Spot"

I've recently added geocaching to my list of obsessions. 
The search for one such cache 
led me here. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Koko Head

Breath taking.

But to get here first you need to climb up this:

Koko Head.
With it's peak over 1200 feet
The trail is made up of over a thousand "steps" of a retired railroad track that was used by the military to transport supplies to a lookout shelter at the top.

"Keep going guys <3 Ian"

It's a long climb. But once you reach the top...'re rewarded with this. 

Along the ridge. 

Over the top of a bunker.  

 Hey! Lets go see what's down that dark scary tunnel Angel!


Abandoned machinery.  


We weren't the only ones enjoying the view. 

In Loving Memory of Scottie Goldman

Time to climb down again. 

Hope you enjoyed the view as much as I did. 
If you want to see it in person, I fully support you.
Not only that I encourage you. 
-Never hike alone 
-Bring plenty of WATER.
-Stretch! Your calves will be happier if you do. 

a hui hou malama pono! 

Piece. Out. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


It's summer! That means two things. Mountain apples are in season.
And it's Bon Dance season too.

This weekend was the Bon Dance in my home town.
Held at the Wahiawa Hongwanji. 

Shave ice, My favorite Bon Dance treat. 

My Grandma. <3 
Fully decked out in her Yukata. 

 You're never too young....

 or too old to dance. 

My favorite dance...and pretty much all the "younger" crowds favorite dance is the Fukushima.
The music is played live, on Flutes and Tyko drums. 

The song plays for 15 minutes.
(Which is a really long time to be running and jumping around in a circle)

 <3 My Bud and her Great Grandma <3

I love these soda can lanterns. 

Had to have this shirt. All funds go to helping Japan. 
They're having a dinner to raise more funds in July Fyi. 

a hui ho malama pono! 

Piece. Out

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My Beautiful Blue Eyed Baby....

 is Four. 

The prime purpose of being four is to enjoy being four 
- of secondary importance is to prepare for being five. 
 -Jim Trelease

‎"I'm going to turn 4. And after 4 I'm going to turn 5. 
And after 5 I'm going to turn 18." - Bud

Gosh, I make beautiful babies.  

If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.
 -Tom Stoppard

We all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing. - Louisa May Alcott

Next month my little Bee is turning Three. 
I swear I only blinked for a second. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting into the swing of things...


So it's been awhile in between blogs lately! 
Like Ferris Buller said,
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "

So in keeping with that motto, let's play ball!

Future Little Leaguer.  

First post of shots in Hawaii this year.
If the Bangahz win their game next saturday, 
they'll be on their way to the Big Island for the All-Star Championship. 

One day you're watching. Then next you're playing.
Play hard everyone.

Piece. Out.