Friday, October 7, 2011

Got Drugs?

Photo's I shot this summer for Operation Drug Drop, a medicine take back program in Hawaii.
ODD's  main goal is to make sure medications are less accessible to Keiki.

 (Yes that's my own little haole girl)

You can deliver all of your unused, unwanted or expired medications to law enforcement officials, who can in-turn dispose of these controlled substances in a safe and non-hazardous manner.

 No babies were hurt in the making of these promotional pictures.  


And the coolest part...

I was sent these photos last week taken during an ODD event.

Nothing but the music

"Whatever she's singing about--sinking below, rising above, giving up or going on--her emotions are all right there at the surface of her music: raw, naked, laid bare." 

-Laura B. Randolph on Aretha Franklin

At last.... love has come along...

At last I am blogging this blog!
So September was a busy month for my Fam Bam, got babies in School, moved house AGAIN,  got everyone up to date on shots and doctors and dentists and now I can breath. At least for tonight :)

Without further ado, here are a few of the long over due shots from T & K's wedding...


 I like this one just cause of the giant pictures from their engagement session in the back. *hehe*

My lonely days are over, and life is like a song.  

Congrats again guys!