Friday, April 22, 2011

Laughable but Serious.

No photographer wants to be accused of stealing. 
But we are often inspired by one another. Today, my friends I am sad to report that I have committed plagiarism. Yes, yes. I modeled my price list after another photographers. I tried to keep PRICING. As simple as it should be. And figured the best elements from my favorite pages. And Poof my simple price list was born. (I hate "Contact to find out pricing" messages just throwing that out there.) Now, I apologized to the upset photographer, told her that because my wording was so close to hers I would gladly change it. The response I received was heavy on the accusations and condescending comments. 

"WARNING.....To all photographers that follow my page, its sad but very true that there is a new girl in town who has copied my pricing word for word off of my website! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD she is Angel Eyez Photography and who knows what else she will copy from others and pass off as her own!!!!" -Angry Photographer.
She also accuses me of being very maniacal and PAYING for a shoot with her just to steal her ideas, poses, locations etc.

Far from wishing to start/continue a fight with her, in addition to defending myself, I want to let everyone know. That I have taken her accusations seriously and removed my price listing page. 
(Probably gonna replace it with a picture of an Elephant 
and a message that says will work for peanuts :P )

My pricing on the left similar yes, word for word. No. 
Are there a hundred other photographers who only do outdoor sessions and want their sessions to be fun and stress free and list all the things included in a photo session.... Well duh. 
(I've seen several other pages eerily similar) 

I will not continue to apologize for other things I have not done that I'm being accused of. 
I hope my next blog brings happier tidings.
And a picture of a really great elephant.

a hui ho malama pono

Piece Out.

and  I've explained why it's Eyez not Eyes. Sheesh.


1 comment:

  1.'s....not the same pricing..or wording... I don't understand people!! Although, I would like to see the picture of an elephant, and I will gladly pay you in peanuts.... You're awesome and your pictures are beautiful. Jealousy is a bitch!
