Sunday, April 11, 2010

Play Ball!!

Bobby Sox... Who knew a bunch of teen and preteen girls could be so scary intense. I've never been much for "watching" sports, I'd rather be out on the field, but last night I didn't know who was more aggressive, the teams or the spectators. First sporting event I've ever attempted shooting, just had to take my friends D700 out for a spin. Here's a few shots of my favorite ball players, Ricki and Shawnie.

 Ricki getting ready to bat.

Shawnie running to third. The girls in the dugout were chanting,
"We miss you Shawnie, come Home!"
Ricki in the outfield.
Shawnie's pitchin's got some heat.

Good game. Good game. Good game.

If you get a hankering to watch some softball, be sure to head up to Wahiawa to see these girls play.
Be careful though, there are no fences or bleachers or safety precautions set up for the crowd for when these girls hit it out of the field.

Until next time,
Good job teams Kekoa and Imua!!
You all played hard.

Piece Out.

hey don't be a fool somebody said we were number two but we're number one.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Terrible Tatt-two's

Here is my Tatt-Two-ed Tot. I sat in photo shop for hours making little piercings, little earrings and nose rings and an ear gauge and a tongue ring. Then Bud came up behind me and said, "Mommy??!! What are you doing to my pretty picture??" I decided I like it better the way I shot it. Or should I say WE decided we like it better without the extra grunge. 

We shot these in a tiny corner of our house. With a lamp as our lighting. We applied about 30ish temporary tattoos, it took about half an hour to apply the tattoos. And two 45 minute sessions to shoot these. My little diva demanded a break in between sessions. She also wanted bonbon's and ice cold milk. 
Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as Bud loved going to school the next day all tattooed out.

No babies were harmed in the making of this blog. Thank You.
Piece Out.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Beautiful Hawaii

I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Not a day goes by that I don't appreciate my gorgeous surroundings. (True, I do appreciate them more when I'm far from home.) Here are some shots I took in December, from around the place I get to call home.

View of China man's hat.

They were all waiting for the other to jump first.

Why walk? Waimea Bay.

Not the normal shot of Shark's Cove.

Mountain Apple Blossoms.

A little panoramic stitching.

Watercress field. I love driving by it, in the middle of "urban" Pearl City.
...and finally, one of the two most beautiful things in Hawaii.
My little Bee.

Expect a new post in a few days. I'm busy editing my tattoo-ed toddler pics (You can see a preview at the bottom! My new "footer"). Anything to focus on besides school. I have an awful case of Junior College Senioritis. But without it, these pictures would have never been edited. There's a reason for everything...
Until then.
Piece. Out

Monday, April 5, 2010

Light Blub.

While searching for for tattoo ideas one day, I happen on this. 
Isn't this the cutest little picture you've ever seen??
I thought. Aha! I know an adorable little girl that I can use to make my own cutest little picture...

Which is in fact what I've been doing tonight. And what I will go back to doing once my model is done with her break. Only a toddler, and already such a diva. I'll be sure to get them up soon. Next post might be some throw backs, I finally got around to editing from December. I Know. Yikes.

Until Then. Stay posted. 

After thought: I've seen comment after comment about, how dare you tattoo a child!!??!! Child abuse. Blah blah blah
Seriously people.
No one took a tattoo gun to this kid.
Have any of you heard of temporary tattoos? Or PhotoShop even??
If anyone knows who's photo this is, let me know so I can credit it's use here.