Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Beautiful Hawaii

I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Not a day goes by that I don't appreciate my gorgeous surroundings. (True, I do appreciate them more when I'm far from home.) Here are some shots I took in December, from around the place I get to call home.

View of China man's hat.

They were all waiting for the other to jump first.

Why walk? Waimea Bay.

Not the normal shot of Shark's Cove.

Mountain Apple Blossoms.

A little panoramic stitching.

Watercress field. I love driving by it, in the middle of "urban" Pearl City.
...and finally, one of the two most beautiful things in Hawaii.
My little Bee.

Expect a new post in a few days. I'm busy editing my tattoo-ed toddler pics (You can see a preview at the bottom! My new "footer"). Anything to focus on besides school. I have an awful case of Junior College Senioritis. But without it, these pictures would have never been edited. There's a reason for everything...
Until then.
Piece. Out

1 comment:

  1. Dude i love the tattoo pics,they're awesome!
