Monday, April 5, 2010

Light Blub.

While searching for for tattoo ideas one day, I happen on this. 
Isn't this the cutest little picture you've ever seen??
I thought. Aha! I know an adorable little girl that I can use to make my own cutest little picture...

Which is in fact what I've been doing tonight. And what I will go back to doing once my model is done with her break. Only a toddler, and already such a diva. I'll be sure to get them up soon. Next post might be some throw backs, I finally got around to editing from December. I Know. Yikes.

Until Then. Stay posted. 

After thought: I've seen comment after comment about, how dare you tattoo a child!!??!! Child abuse. Blah blah blah
Seriously people.
No one took a tattoo gun to this kid.
Have any of you heard of temporary tattoos? Or PhotoShop even??
If anyone knows who's photo this is, let me know so I can credit it's use here.


  1. Did you ever finish the little girl you were doing?

  2. Yes, its the second post after this one. The Terrible Tatt-two's.
