Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Terrible Tatt-two's

Here is my Tatt-Two-ed Tot. I sat in photo shop for hours making little piercings, little earrings and nose rings and an ear gauge and a tongue ring. Then Bud came up behind me and said, "Mommy??!! What are you doing to my pretty picture??" I decided I like it better the way I shot it. Or should I say WE decided we like it better without the extra grunge. 

We shot these in a tiny corner of our house. With a lamp as our lighting. We applied about 30ish temporary tattoos, it took about half an hour to apply the tattoos. And two 45 minute sessions to shoot these. My little diva demanded a break in between sessions. She also wanted bonbon's and ice cold milk. 
Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as Bud loved going to school the next day all tattooed out.

No babies were harmed in the making of this blog. Thank You.
Piece Out.


  1. hey this is Wendy from the Art 112 class... found my way here from the student sample websites :) just wanted to say I love this shoot you did. the "tough stance" and the second to last image are especially great!

  2. FINALLY made it over to your blog, yes, my life still is crazy.

    But I just spent half an hour looking at all the fabulous pictures and reading everything and I have to admit that this post is my absolute favorite.

    Great blog!

